Our electrical team isn't just focused on general electrical needs. They have a passion for innovation and new technology. From energy-saving devices to air purification solutions, they are at the cutting edge of their industry. However, our electrical network continues beyond electricians.
We can also supply, install and service reverse cycle heating and cooling products. From a simple split system unit to a fully ducted and zoned solution. We can supply, install and program security camera systems, install data cabling and offer a test and tag service: switchboard upgrades, electrical fault finding and energy-efficient lighting solutions for your home or business.
Our team can even give you up-to-date information on the latest regulations to ensure that your home, business or investment property is always compliant.
Don't let electrical issues disrupt your life or business, receive reliable and efficient electrical services for your property."
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Contact Information
Phone: 0439 317 253
Email: accounts@cfbgroup.org
Address: 2695 Fourteenth St.
Irymple Vic 3498
Business Hours
ABN: 25685994926